• 7 декабря 2017, четверг
  • Москва, Untitled bar, Петровка 15, стр 1

Russian Startups of Tomorrow (including GenerationS) - Welcome to a Focus on Ireland

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2341 день назад
с 20:00 7 декабря до 0:00 8 декабря 2017
Untitled bar, Петровка 15, стр 1

The Irish Ecosystem welcomes RVC, GenerationS, and other Russian start-up friends for informal drinks to learn more about Ireland as a launch-pad for internalisation

Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Government Agency that supports innovation, is the largest early-stage start-up investor in Europe, and the second largest international start-up investor in Russia. We invite you to meet Italian national Nicola Farronato, CEO and Founder of b-sm@ark, an international start-up that has chosen Ireland as it’s operational base, and launchpad for breaking into the global market, on December 7 in Untitled Bar. 

As part of a partnership programme with the Russian Venture Company that will see Russian companies selected through GenerationS visit Ireland in 2018 for a jointly organised programme to learn more about how Ireland developed its ecosystem to attract international leaders such as Facebook, Google and LinkedIn to its shores, and acquaint the winners with the Irish start-up eco-system, we invite you to join us in the Untitled Bar on December 7 to enjoy a balance of the productive and pleasurable as we give you an informal overview of how to start building the contacts you will need to optimise your start-up’s international potential. 


Nicola Farronato, CEO and Founder, b-sm@ark.com

Nicola graduated in international business in Venice and worked for 10 years in B2B international business development for Italian manufacturers in jewelry, furniture, and sport goods. He is the founder and CEO of B-sm@rk, an Italian-Irish venture focusing on consumer behavior research and marketing technology. Nicola has also been a social entrepreneur since 2006 with his Back2Africa project. 
Nicola will talk about his experience of building a startup in Ireland and his own path in travel technology, and will touch upon the latest findings in #DestinationPersonality research and Combi-Action behavioral marketing tech for travel and hospitality.

Gerard Michael MacCarthy, Director, Enterprise Ireland, Russia/CIS:
Gerard has been living and working in Russia since 1989. He started his career in St.Petersburg in film and television production as a writer/director/producer, before acting as a market-entry advisor to Saatchi & Saatchi International’s Russian start-up operation. An extensive series of investment projects followed eventually leading to Gerard’s current role as Director, Russia/CIS, for Enterprise Ireland, the Irish government agency responsible for exports and innovation, and Europe’s largest early-stage investor. He is also Head of the Commercial Department of the Embassy of Ireland in Russia/CIS, and  a co-founder and producer of the Irish, and Subtitle Film Festivals, and Irish Week, in Moscow.


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